What Is Your Most Precious Asset?

By April Irvine

Despite what others may say, its not your house, your boat, or even your car. Your greatest asset is YOU. Your brain is what keeps your blood circulating, lungs filled with air, and your muscles flexible and strong to carry your body everyday. If you don’t take care of yourself it can lead to excess weight and it can  become difficult to enjoy life. The aim of this blog is to bring awareness of all things nutrition and to share with others how to build a healthy relationship with food and being a healthy weight because after all, you are what you eat. And if my body is my greatest asset, than I must nourish it with the nutrients it needs. This isn’t about removing sweets from the diet, counting calories, omitting food groups, can’t have this or that. In fact, this is not a diet but a new way of eating where all foods that you love and crave fit into your way of living. Curious about how this will work? Subscribe to my blog and find out!


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